The-Underline is a sustainable fashion consulting studio in Los Angeles. 

We work with new designers from concept through production as well as existing brands wanting to incorporate eco-friendly initiatives into their current businesses.


Sustainability Goals & Audit

We will work together to determine your sustainability goals and make a plan on how to achieve them. Our audit process assesses current practices and provides actionable feedback for a more sustainable business system.

Sourcing Materials

We provide resources for sustainable textiles and trims based on project requirements and industry knowledge.

End-to-End Development

What is the life cycle of your product? How can we help you make the least impact on the environment? We will guide you through the design process with this in mind to get from concept to end product.

Pre-Production & Manufacturing

We connect you with local pattern makers, sample makers, and manufacturers who ensure ethical labor conditions and fair wages.

Packaging & Shipping Materials

You have a sustainable product and now it must be shipped responsibly. We help navigate the best options on environmentally friendly packaging.

Brand Development

Through branding, packaging, and social media design, we help build the visuals that connect you with your core consumer.


The-Underline is the outcome of a fashion experiment. An experiment that began as a concept for a swimwear line in our head. A concept that soon became real and filled the shelves of our favorite stores. With this success came the realization of a problem. The more we sold, the more we made. More plastic, more synthetic fabrics, more water waste from dyes, more packaging, more emissions from transportation of materials and shipping to customers. More problems for the environment. So we decided to be less. We decided to stop. 

We studied. We became certified. We began working with clients and brands to make their collections the right way. For us, the right way means leaving as little impact on our Earth as possible. The right way is examining every step and decision in the process to create ethically produced goods. 

We started in fashion as outsiders. We knocked on doors and tracked down phone numbers for every single partner in our supply chains. We did this knowing we would make mistakes and knowing that we were learning as we go. Those lessons we learned inspired our advocacy for sustainability. Those experiences are the foundation of the knowledge that we share with our clients.

The-Underline builds sustainable fashion brands.


If you’re a new designer or an existing brand wanting to learn more about your sustainability options say hi and tell us a little about yourself below.